Memorial-Lost Classmates

It’s always tragic to lose one of our own. But they will live forever in our memories. Here is a forum for us to share some of those special moments with the rest of the Perry Hall High School Class of 1967 Family.

In Memory of Our Lost Classmates

Gerald Thomas Avaritt

Richard A. Avaritt

Donald Luther Beers

William Allen Bower

Edward L. Bugnaski

James Calder

John Anthony Coons 9/07/2013

My loving husband, John A. Coons, departed this life, suddenly and unexpectedly, to be with our Heavenly Father on Sept. 7, 2013 at age 64.  John is survived by his wife of 42 years, Florence (Leedy) Coons, and two sons, Rev. Michael J. Coons and wife Mica of CT and Kevin W. Coons and wife Janet of Abingdon, MD.  Also four grandchildren, Aaron, Madison, Jack and Kierstin.  Granddaughter Molly was predeceased. John was employed at Franklin Square Hospital for 43 years in Protection Services and as their locksmith.  He especially liked doing investigations.  Hard to imagine how many miles he may have walked on any given day while carrying out various duties. We loved spending time with the grandchildren.  We took lots of trips with them to Strasburg, Lancaster and Gettysburg.  John and I also liked trips to Williamsburg, the Blue Ridge Mountains & Shenandoah Valley and the White Mountains in NH. Baseball was a favorite of John’s since childhood.  His Mom used to say he played baseball or football, depending on the season, from morning until dark.  Later he coached Little League Baseball and umpired lots of games for the recreation center.  He coached a team on which my cousin played and I went to watch a couple games.  John asked me out and we were engaged 10 days later to be together forever…until.  My loss is huge, but we will be together again, further along. John was an amazingly special husband and father.  He is so loved and will always be missed.  I’ve been truly blessed to have him as the best part of my life. Classmate & Wife, Florence Leedy Coons

Larry Crisman

Robert Craig Clary

Richard John Dawson

Stephen Lee Deeble

William Doxanas

Nancy Lee Dunn 1949 - 1983

Nancy’s maturity, intellect, and concern for others was evident long before she graduated from Perry Hall. It was no surprise that she became a social worker. She often internalized her concerns about the world around her. At the age of thirty-three, she decided that her internal struggles were insurmountable and she decided to leave us.





William Clark Dunty 1/7/1949 - 9/23/2007

Bill  enlisted in the Air Force in 1968 and over the course of his career, became an expert in Avionics.  He served in the Vietnam War, and as the Presidential Avionics Superintendent at Andrews Force Base, where he maintained the communications suite on Air Force One.  A highly decorated Airman, Bill retired in 1988, having attained the rank of Senior Master Sergeant.  Most recently, Bill served as an Emergency Operations Specialist at the Federal Aviation Administration, playing critical roles in the FAA’s response to 9.11.01 and Hurricane Katrina. --
Son, Bill Dunty

Joseph Kirby Ellis

Elizabeth Helen Ettinger

Jackie Fields 9/25/1948-6/28/2017

Jackie Wilson Fields, was born to the late John and Alice Fields on September 25, 1948 in Baltimore, Maryland. He departed this life on June 28, 2017.
Jackie was educated in the Baltimore County School System, graduating from Perry Hall Senior High School June 1967. While in school he entered creative projects in the Baltimore Science Fair and won numerous awards. He loved exploring and creating inventions and gadgets.
Upon graduation, Jackie joined the U.S. Army in 1970. In active duty in Japan, he suffered an injury which caused him to return to the states. While recuperating, he found a long, lasting love for playing the guitar. Self-taught, he mastered not only the guitar but various other musical instruments. This was the beginning of a life-long career in the world of music.
Jackie worked at the Aberdeen Proving Ground and later retired after 30 years of service. Jackie spent much time fishing by the water. This was not to catch fish but for mediation and relaxation. Afterwards, he took a part-time job working at Brightview Nursing and Rehabilitation in Bel Air, driving the seniors to and from their doctor appointment; listening to their stories and sharing his own. They all loved him.
As another part-time occupation, Jackie played music at many venues throughout Baltimore and Harford County. Being a diehard Raven fan, he created a music CD for a sports radio station to play background music. Everyone knew Jackie as “Jackie Blue. He eventually had his own one-man band for hire, playing at various places such as the Blitz, Jo Momma, VFW Post 6054, private parties, events, etc. In his spare time, he would do CDs and videos of his music and shared them as a gift. Jackie loved the life he lived and lived the life he loved.

Sandra Gene Flohr

Sharon Lee Garrity

Daniel Gauger

Charlotte Elaine Gerry

William Joseph Gerst

Susan Grabel

Michael Griffin

Robert Woodrow Grubbs

James Hagan

Deborah A Herzog

Theodore Michael Hetrick

Lawrence Tracy Higgins

Lawrence Hooper

Sharon Jones

James Kling

Kenneth Kreafle

Leonard Eugene Lehman

James Joseph Lewis

Kenneth Lloyd Lighthiser

Sharon Lohmeyer

James Fredrick Mayer

Jeanne E. McGinnis

Lauren Mickey-Pukl-Shaneybrook
May 19, 1949 –      December 17, 2008

We will always remember Lauren for her love of sports. After high school her game of choice was tennis. She also loved to travel, preferring to cruise, and also visited Japan, trying to experience as much of the world as she possibly could.

Lauren has 2 children and 6 grandchildren (all boys!). Although both children were born premature, her daughter (Patty Pukl) was, at the time, the smallest baby ever born at GBMC, weighing in at 1lb 9ozs.

Lauren was diagnosed with Scleroderma in her late thirties. It is unknown as to what exactly causes it. Although it is generally accepted that it is an autoimmune condition, that is a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues. Death occurs most often from pulmonary, heart and kidney complications. In diffuse cutaneous disease, five-year survival is 70% and 10-year survival is 55%. Always the fighter, she battled and beat those statistics.

God bless Lauren. Classmate & Sister, Linda Mickey Perruso

Kathleen Marta Miller    July 20, 2004

Kathleen passed away suddenly on July 20, 2004 from a ruptured aneurysm.  She was my dear friend in high school and college, but we lost touch after that.  Happily, she moved back to Baltimore in 1990 and we resumed our friendship.

Kathleen was married to Bob Engelbach for 34 years.  They met at what was then Essex Community College.  Their son, Jim, was born in 1973.

During their marriage, they lived in Richmond and Philadelphia before they returned to Baltimore.  Bob opened an insurance brokerage in Ellicott City and Kathleen worked there with him.  She was a terrific administrator and an excellent money manager.

Kathleen was a devoted mother, daughter, sister and aunt who doted on her family and friends.  She was a fabulous hostess and her guests always felt welcome. We began a Book Club in 1991 and the club is still going strong.  In 2002, she started a Supper Club, and we’ve managed to continue that, too.

A woman of many talents, Kathleen excelled in interior decoration, creative writing and crafts of all kinds.  One of my favorite memories is making Christmas wreaths with her for a charity event!  She was my interior decorator and guided me while we chose wallpaper, and hung it, arranged pictures on the wall and more.  It was so much fun working on the project together.

You could always count on Kathleen’s wit to make you laugh.

The world was a better place because of her.  I’m so grateful she was part of my life.

Classmate, Janis (Cooper) Jordan

Chester M Moore

John S Olsen    January 2007

Johnny passed away January 2007. He was divorced and had no children. He worked out of the local 37 operating engineers. He really enjoyed working with heavy equipment and with the people he worked with. In the Fall of 1987 he desperately needed a heart transplant due to a genetics. As time was running out a match was found. He survived the next 20 years, which was uncharted for a transplant. He worked very hard on his new lease on life. He wore out 2or 3 Nordic Track machines. He was still very much in love with fast cars. He kept his 1967 SS 396 Chevrolet in excellent condition along with his super-fast Harley Davidson. He passed away after complications with his pacemaker and a hospital infection.          Classmate-John Klausmeier

Thomas J Opdyke

Marcus Nogic

Larry Paffel

Wayne Warren Pietra

Blake Pruner

Frank Carlton Pine

Dewey Wilson Puffenburger 1949-2015

At 6’4 and averaging around 250 lbs. Dewey was often referred to as the gentle giant. He was soft spoken and seldom got upset. Yet when the situation warranted, he could fight with the determination of few people. That was evident when he contracted Leukemia and fought that disease for the last five and a half years of his life.

Timothy Peter Rackel

Jesse Reifsnider October 13, 1949 – November 21, 1988

During his high school years Jay was fun loving and a little mischievous when with the guys. He was quiet and kind. Even though he did not do well in school he had a brilliant mind and was ingenious and very clever. Jay had no enemies. He was loved by everyone. After graduation he got a job at Baltimore BG&E in the accounting department. He wanted to get a degree in accounting which he never got the opportunity to obtain after he got drafted into the Army in August of 1969. He married his high school sweetheart, Linda Arnold in December of 1969. He was sent to Vietnam in January 1971. His body returned home but the Jay that left never returned. Shortly after his return he was diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic. Today, the diagnosis would have been PTSD. He struggled his whole life with depression and paranoia.

But there were good times in those years. He had two children and enjoyed vacationing in Western Maryland and camping at Ocean City. He was skilled with his hands. He could rebuild cars to remodeling homes. He was an avid Star Trek fan and loved contemplating the far reaches of the universe.

Jay died of a massive heart attack at the early age of 39. A life cut too short but his suffering with depression was over. I’m sure he is now joyfully building the largest, grandest zipline anyone has ever seen.

Submitted by Linda Carter (wife)

Edgar Schanberger

Allen Leroy Schuman

John A. Seifert

Richard Thomas Stearns

Robert Strebeck

Shirley Helen Temple

My cousin Shirley passed away at the age of 42, from colon cancer. Sadly her husband also passed away several years ago. She has two children.

Cousin, Donald Temple







Charles Anthony Valenti

February 22,1949—December 20,1975

You could have met my brother for 30 seconds and know he was a special person.

I don’t need to point out that his death was very close to Christmas and has left us with a blank spot in our holidays . Charles was quiet, but gave all of himself in his short life and is missed to this very day. I know for me as we were close in age… he was not only my brother, but my friend.

After high school he worked part-time and attended Harford Junior College where he received a certificate in accounting. Later he worked for Crown Cork & Seal in their accounting department from 1969-1975.

He enjoyed time with his family as an uncle and older brother to four younger siblings. He never minded to be called upon to babysit for his niece or nephews.

Charles spent his time on weekends during each summer on his 25 foot cabin cruiser.

He was excited to own his first sports car a 1974 Toyota Celica, I believe to this day had he been in a larger car he may still be with us.

Sister, Donna Valenti

Robert Vernon

Darlene Mary Wagener

Alonzo David Ward

Donald Meryl Young

Richard Youngworth

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