Social Media

Please visit our “Group” Facebook page. We wanted a site where only invited PHHS Class of 1967 classmates and invited guests can engage with one another. You can post, upload photos, chat, and invite other classmates.

“If You Grew Up in Perry Hall” is another site that we encourage you to visit.

Also, Baltimore’s Best Old Photos and New Photos with Written History

This brings back good childhood memories video. Thanks to Tom Durandetto for sharing.

And if you want to hear tunes from our generation, you’ll love this site

One Comment

  1. David Ingle

    Some anonymous A-Hole posted a comment on OUR facebook page about refraining from mentioning certain things. First of all…STEP UP and identify yourself or shut the *@#k up!! I suspect we were hacked because some COWARD sent some “anonymous” post!! Hey Anonymous do you have a cell phone? Call someone (preferably someone who knows who the hell you are) who gives a S@!# and get off our class page!!! If Carolyn wants to pass along classmate information because of concern? Well, that’s what I thought this page was all about! My email is shown here…have the GUTS to email me or identify yourself to us!

    Dave Ingle

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